Our article “Making the Most of the new Industrial Policy” was recently published in liveMint. In the article, commenting on the recently released discussion paper on the 2017 Industrial Policy, Janak Nabar talks about the opportunity for the new policy to address the problems of low R&D spending by Indian industry and the tough competition Indian firms […]

In the Developing world, ‘disruption is creation, not destruction’
An interesting article in the DNA by Pranjal Sharma on the meaning of disruption in the developing world, the transformative changes taking place through technology-led disruptions in Asia and Africa, and his other takeaways from the 47th edition of the St Gallen Symposium. As Pranjal succinctly points out, “In these developing regions, disruption is creation, […]
Are we bold enough to embrace next generation manufacturing?
Image courtesy of toonsteb at FreeDigitalPhotos.net India has the potential to become the hotbed of next generation manufacturing technology that integrates the digital and the physical world (also called Industry 4.0). The push for growing the manufacturing sector from its current contribution of around 16 percent as share of GDP to around 25 percent of […]
Janak Nabar and Prof Sunil Mani interviewed by United Nations University
CTIER hosted the Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies-India Workshop in March 2017 in association with United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and social Research Institute (UNU-MERIT). The workshop held in Pune saw good participation from industry, central and state governments and academia amidst engaging lecture sessions and field visits. Against that backdrop, Janak Nabar, CEO of […]

CTIER hosted the Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies-India, 2017
CTIER in association with the United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT), and Confederation of Indian Industry recently organised a 5-day programme titled the Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies (DEIP). The programme was conducted by distinguished faculty from UNU-MERIT and the Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum and was […]

Using tablets for a Health Tech Needs Assessment Survey : The Preparation
CTIER is conducting a Healthcare Technology Assessment study to assess whether ‘frugal’ innovations can address the challenges of affordability and accessibility of healthcare in India. The first step of this study is to conduct a Needs Assessment Survey in our target region, i.e. urban and rural areas of Pune district to enquire about the main ailments […]
India’s new Medical Devices Rules, 2017
Image courtesy of kanate at FreeDigitalPhotos.net The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 31st January, 2017 notified the new Medical Devices Rules 2017 which can have major implications on the cost and accessibility of healthcare in India. This is a much awaited move to regulate and incentivize this nascent but fast growing industry where […]
Industry-Academia Research Collaboration in India
Industry-Academia research collaborations in India are dismally low, as indicated by collaboration output statistics. Collaboration in patenting is 0.4% of the total volume of patents in India while percentage of collaboration in publishing activity lies at 0.56% in 2014-15.1 A potential reason for this disconnect could be the difference in underlying drivers of research and innovation […]
India’s increase in S&E PhDs driven by engineering degrees
At present, online databases like the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) and reports such as the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Science & Engineering Indicators (2014 & 2016) provide fragmented data on the number of Science & Engineering (S&E) doctoral degrees attained in India, with the latest reported figure being from 2011.We have constructed a time […]